Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Read Ephesians Chapter 2
Key Verse -- Ephesians 2:8
"God saved you by His special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God."
If you are anything like me, then you have a strong inclination towards independence. I like the feeling that I have when I know that I have accomplished something from my own hard work. That is something that cannot be taken from me. It adds to my sense of self-worth.
Surely, independence is a healthy quality when managed correctly. I can remember how troubled I was when my youngest son began wanting to do things for himself. He would no longer allow me to feed him, or dress him, or turn on his games for him. Although, my heart broke a little with every new step of independence, I knew that it was necessary. He couldn't stay a baby forever.
As we grow older, however, I sometimes wonder if our attitudes of independence can become a little unhealthy. I mean, what is wrong with taking a little advice from your parents? Why do we struggle asking for help? Why do men refuse to read instruction manuals or ask for driving directions? Somewhere along the way, many of us, myself included, develop a mind set that we have everything under control. This pride can, if we let it, become polarizing and damaging.
It is even more dangerous when this type of independence creeps into our spiritual attitudes and lives. God did not create us for independence, but He created us to be relational, with Him and others. We do need others and, most importantly, we do need God. Paul wrote in our scripture that God saved you when you believed and that you can't take credit for this. In other words, you did not save yourself and you can never live a life that deserves salvation. It is by His special favor, a gift from God.
Let us never get to a place where we believe that we have this christianity thing all worked out. I cannot do enough to be okay. I am not, in myself, strong enough to attain such favor. I believe it is safe to say "no one is". It is God's special gift to us. We must accept it humbly and live in it daily.
PRAYER -- Lord, bring me gently to a place of submission to and dependence upon you so that I may live powerfully for you and in you.

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