Thursday, January 22, 2009


Read Genesis Chapters 17-21

Key Verse: Genesis 19:16
“When Lot still hesitated, the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for the Lord was merciful.”

Have you ever put something off for a day or two? I know that I have been guilty of that on so many occasions. Sometimes it just seems easier to say “I’ll get to it tomorrow”. Procrastination and hesitation don’t just come into play when the task is something we do not enjoy. Sure we may put off yard work, the laundry, or that book report that’s due next week, but I have been guilty off putting off things that I enjoy as well. I have been saying for months now that I am going to start playing golf again. However, as of this moment my golf clubs are still sitting in my garage collecting dust.

In Genesis 19, the story of Lot gives us a great portrayal of hesitation that almost ended fatally. The instructions of God’s messengers could not have been more clear. “The city will be destroyed and all who stay will perish.” But even that powerful word from God didn’t move Lot from complacency. Why would Lot hesitate? Was his heart fixed upon his home in Sodom? Was he persuaded by the influence of his family? Did he really not believe? Whatever the reason may have been, it is clear that even though God had visited Lot, he still was unsure and hesitant.

The bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that “there is a time for everything, a season for every activity”. God gives us specific seasons in our lives. I have personally experienced those distinct seasons. I have lived through seasons of increased work in the Kingdom as well as seasons of rest and contemplation. I have experienced seasons of great increase as well as seasons of sacrifice. The key is that God orders the seasons as well as their durations. We can not operate outside of God’s timing and avoid paying a price. I learned this lesson in a painful way some years back. My wife and I had been praying about a move from our home in Indiana to Florida. We both believed that God was directing us to make this move. Shortly thereafter, an opportunity arose. It was the sort of opportunity in which everything just seemed to align perfectly. Of course, this move would mean leaving our family and everything we had ever known. It was the type of decision that put a lump in your throat. Still, we both believed that God had orchestrated the scenario. In the end, however, we decided not to go. The pressure of the change got the best of us. Eighteen months later, we finally made the move and God has blessed us in many ways. I am so thankful that we finally took the step that God had been moving us toward. So, it all worked out, right? Well, here’s the price we paid for hesitation. The first time the opportunity arose, the big boom in the housing market in Central Florida had not happened. When we finally moved, it was in full force. We paid double for our home than we would have paid just 2 years earlier. Although, God has been faithful and good, I still feel the pain of my procrastination once a month when the mortgage check is written.

So where do you find God leading you today? Has he called you into ministry, a new job, a new city? Always trust that God not only knows what is best, but He knows when is best. Trust God enough to not miss His perfect timing for your life. God’s plans are the best plans for ultimate blessing. If God speaks into your heart, don’t be afraid. Trust him and follow his lead. He knows the events of tomorrow. That may be why He is calling today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Read Matthew Chapters 19-21

Key Verse: Matthew 19:30
“But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”

I have mellowed some now, but when I was much younger, I absolutely hated to lose at anything. Some of the biggest arguments that I have ever had with friends have been over a game or competition. Whether on the baseball field, at the bowling alley, or at the kitchen table playing monopoly, I was “in it to win it”. I guess it’s normal. Society rarely remembers those who finish second. Can you tell me who lost to the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl VIII? How about who lost to the New York Knicks in the 1973 NBA Finals? It would even be more difficult to tell me who was the worst team in the NBA in 1973. Society rarely remembers the losers.

Isn’t it interesting how often spiritual principles stand in direct contrast to worldly principles? For example, the bible teaches us that our strength is made perfect in weakness. I am reminded of the story of Lazarus the beggar in Luke 16. In his life, he surely didn’t seem to be a winner; begging for crumbs from the rich man’s table. But we are taught that he was honored above the rich man due to the condition of his heart.

I remember being a teenager and seeing something that, at the time, seemed a little silly. But as the years have passed, this moment has meant more and more to me. We were at church during a special southern gospel singing. The group that was singing began to sing a song entitled, “I’m a Poor, Rich Man”. The song spoke of how it was Christ living within us that truly makes us rich. My father who, at the time, was on crutches got so excited in worshipping to that song that he rose to his feet, with a broken ankle, and began to rejoice. It was a wild sight indeed. I have never forgotten that moment. It has helped me to understand that there are more important things in life than the size of my house or my bank account. That moment has left me desiring an inner richness that I can only have through a relationship with Christ Jesus.

Don’t get me wrong. I still like to win. I still want a great life full of great things. But I realize today that neither my possessions nor my position make me rich where it matters most. In life, we can work so hard to get ahead, to be first. But the Kingdom of God is about the humility of heart and spirit. It is about intimate love and worship to God. Those who value God and others more than themselves will be first. Society may label some as “losers”. But I am thankful today that God remembers the so-called “losers”. He promises a first-place finish to those who remain humble and true to Him.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today is my grandmothers 93rd birthday. I must admit that that number is mind boggling to me. I took a few minutes to call her today. The conversation went as they normally do. I said, "Hey Mema, how are you?" She replied "Oh honey, I ain't no count". For the next few minutes we made small talk. She went over the list of all who have called her. Then, she really went over the list of all who haven't called her. I told her how great she's doing and how thankful she should be for her health and for her family. After a short time, I told her I loved her and said goodbye.

The gravity of "93 years old" kind of sunk in today. My grandmother was born in 1916, right in the middle of the First World War. She has lived through wars, The Great Depression, prohibition, the 60's, and so much more history. When Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20th, he will be the 17th president during my grandmother's lifetime. My mind cannot rap itself around the concept of all she has seen and heard. She is not one to reminisce often, but I can only imagine the stories she could tell. What a great life she has lived.

Her resilience is even more remarkable. My grandfather passed away over 18 years ago and "Mema" is still going. She is still wanting to get out and go. If she sees my aunt get ready to go to the supermarket, church, a restaurant then she wants to go. As I thought about her and her great life, I begin to think about longevity. It seems that longevity and stability are not as common as they used to be. People seem to be less patient with their careers, marriages, friendships, churches, and so on. That line of thinking made me very thankful. I have been so fortunate to live a life surrounded by longevity. My parents have now been married over 45 years. My father has always stuck with things even when they seemed tough. It truly was instilled in me at a young age that jumping from plan to plan and never setting yourself can lead to an unproductive life. I will admit that starting things is fun and exciting, but seeing the finished product is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Hebrews 12: 1-3
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."

I have been confronted so many times with the desire to give up, to bail out, to say "it's too hard" or "it's not worth it". Life will make you feel that way some times. I have to ask myself the question every now and again, "Do I believe the promises of God are worth the wait?" Surely they are..But I need to stick with it. I can't jump from plan to plan. I can't jump from place to place. I must allow God to finish the work He began in me. God will bless me along the way, but I want to become the person God has designed me to be. To do so, I must commit to longevity. I must say, "I will stay the course!" Yes, it requires some toughness, boldness, and a little stubbornness, but when I look back over my life for God I want to see the many victories won. I want to be able to say "what a great life".

It is normal to get a little impatient sometime. My grandmother said to me today, "I am getting a little anxious to go". I knew she meant to go on to meet Jesus. I smiled and said, "I know you are, but when God is ready...Mema." Heaven will be an eternal reward for my grandmother. For you and I, God has an amazing reward for those that are faithful, for those who never give up.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Read Hosea Chapters 9-10

Key Verse – Hosea 10:12
“Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the Lord.”

When I was a child, my parents planted a large garden every year. In the garden, there was a huge variety of things. Corn, onions, potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and much more. I loved that garden. I loved helping collect the different vegetables into large bushel baskets. I remember the sense of accomplishment I felt while carrying that basket down the hill and into the kitchen. There my mother would wash and prepare the large assortment. Some would be set aside for immediate use, some would be canned, and some would be given away. It was fun, I had a blast.

Months earlier, after the winter thaw had come, I was not so enthusiastic about helping in the garden. You see, at that time there wasn’t really a garden. There was just a large spot of hard, barren ground. After a winter in which the ground had frozen and thawed dozens of times, that “garden” sure seemed dead. My father would say, “Come on, time to till the garden”. I hated that phrase. Why? Preparing a garden for planting was hard work. Digging, raking, and pulling weeds are not fun. Yet, it was necessary if the garden was to produce the intended harvest. Once that work was completed, seeds could go in the ground and the anticipation of reaping the rewards of that labor could begin.

The very same principle can be applied to our lives. Surely there are many things that we all want from God. Dreams and desires that we are longing to see fulfilled. It is true, however, that there is a prerequisite to seeing these dreams come to pass. We must seek God for them. In Matthew 7:7, we are given the proper order for receiving from God, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:” See, in each case, there is a necessary action on our part before the reaping begins.

Hosea 10:12 gives us even another prerequisite to seeking God. Our hearts must be prepared to seek Him. I know there have been many times in my life that I have come to God with a heart that wasn’t ready to receive. I wanted something so badly but pride, anger, and hurt(to name a few) had hardened my heart to a place that God would not bring forth fruit in that area of my life. But I needed to learn that if I want God to bring forth greatness in me, then I must be willing to lay my life, and my heart, down to be turned inside out and upside down. The secret things that are in my heart must be dug out and my heart must become soft and humble before the Lord. If I try to produce a life of great harvest with a heart untouched by God, I will fail every time.

God desires great things from you and me. When He looks upon us, He sees the potential to bring forth blessings bountifully. Don’t be afraid to allow God to plow up the ground of your heart. It may hurt a little. But only then, can we seek Him sincerely and then reap the harvest.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Read Ruth Chapters 1-2

Key Verse – Ruth 2:12
“May the Lord, God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully.”

The story of Ruth is nestled in the middle of great historical accounts concerning the early days of the nation of Israel. Though it is somewhat obscure, it holds a powerful message of loyalty and the destiny attached to such loyalty. If you read this account, it doesn’t take long to see that Ruth believed in her heart that her destiny lay with Naomi.

What is so moving to me is that Ruth didn’t just feel that way when her husband was alive. She wasn’t convinced of God’s providence only when she was prosperous and problem free. With her husband gone, she seemingly had no earthly reason to remain with Naomi. How easy would it have been for Ruth to simply say, “Well, I guess it just isn’t going to work out; time to move on”. But no, Ruth was loyal. Even though Naomi herself practically begged Ruth to move on, Ruth wouldn’t budge.

This story made me think of the times that I have prayed for direction from God. I have wanted to know his plans. There have been those times that God has spoken to me and I have jumped up ready to head in that direction, only to encounter a problem. Something didn’t go the way I had imagined. It has been at those moments that I found myself facing a decision. Do I abandon the plan that God has set before me or do I dig my heels in and continue to believe God? Now I know that the religiously proper thing to say is, “BELIEVE GOD – NO MATTER WHAT!” But when circumstances change, when what was on your horizon has faded away, it’s easier said than done.

Still, if we spend our life jumping from one plan to another, looking elsewhere every time something shifts it is difficult to move forward, to learn the lessons that God is trying to teach us, and to see the working of God’s master plan. I cannot count the times that I have wanted to jump to something new. But I would be trading in valuable ground that has been gained. My wife and I have looked at each other and said this many times concerning our destiny, “God said it and it is still true”.

Hundreds of years later, the Apostle Paul wrote this in Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” I know that, like Ruth, when we stand firm in the promises of God no matter what circumstances may come, we speak loudly concerning our dependence upon him. We take refuge under His wings. I can think of no better place to be.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Read Ephesians Chapter 4

Key Verse – Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

I am seeing more and more how rough and abrupt our culture has become. People seem to have less and less time for common courtesy. Now, I know this is a generalization of negative proportion. Of course, I realize that there are wonderful people in the world. Many of my friends are some of the sweetest, most generous people I know. Yet, I find myself alarmed at the number of times that I have witnessed someone “giving someone a piece of their mind” or blowing their horn in traffic over the past couple weeks.

Sure, the holidays can be hectic, especially if you were, like me, shopping for that perfect gift in the waning hours of the Christmas shopping season. And yes, for many of us, life seems to be a little tricky these days. But recently, I saw two things in a matter of 30 minutes that made me wonder what is going on and why are some folks so agitated. I was enjoying a late breakfast. I was sitting drinking coffee and finishing up my eggs and sausage when a couple came in to the restaurant and sat down at the table directly across from me. When they sat down I happened to look at my watch and noted that it was 11:25am. Shortly afterward, the woman at that table began yelling(and I mean yelling), “Excuse me, Excuse me, does anyone care that we’re here? We have been here for quite some time and have not even been noticed!” I looked at my watch again. The time was 11:27am. I smiled and thought “wow”. After that I went to a nearby gas station. When I went inside to pay, there was an elderly man at the register. He seemed to be struggling to get the money out of his wallet. After maybe 15 seconds, a young man behind him said “Look! Have your money ready when you come in!” I felt so sorry for the older gentleman.

These instances made me reflect inwardly. I know there have been times that I have been less than pleasant. There have been moments, after a long day, that I have failed to exhibit the patience for my kids that I should. There have been those times that I have spoken sharply to someone for little or no reason. And there have been times that I have failed to notice the needs of those around me. Perhaps, we all have those moments. I don’t know. Maybe that is what makes us human.

But Paul, in Ephesians 4:32, links kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness to our acknowledgement of God’s forgiveness towards us. I must admit that when I find myself more focused upon God’s love for me, I am more gentle, kind, and tenderhearted. When I am more conscious of His forgiveness, then I seem less “edgy”.

When pressure, anxiety, and frustration begin to build and it seems more difficult to show the softer side of you, remember God’s forgiveness of you and his immeasurable love for you. It will take the edge off.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Read Ephesians Chapter 3
Key Verse -- Ephesians 3:17
"Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong."
Trust is defined as "to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something". We know that Christ desires to have domain within our hearts. But it is up to us just how comfortable he is allowed to be there. By failing to trust God with our lives, we are, in essence, jerking the rug out from under him time and time again.
Let's look at it another way. If you worked for a company and your boss came to you and said "you have shown tremendous potential and have continued to be successful. I am putting you in charge of our new project. It is the most important thing in our company today. I am giving you this responsibility because I trust you to work hard and to make it a great success." You would feel pretty special, right? To think that your superiors would trust you that much would probably give you the confidence you needed to make the big decisions that would shape the project. But how would you feel if the next day your boss came back to you and said, "I trust you, but I am going to handle this part of the project."? Maybe day by day that supervisor would take one responsibility after another away from you to the point that you didn't really have any influence at all in the project. You wouldn't feel very trusted would you?
I wonder how often I have done the very same thing to Christ. I say, "Oh, Lord I trust you. Take over my life. Mold me; shape me in the way you would have me to be. Have your way in my life." Then when things get a little tricky or seem a little shaky I say, "Well...I trust you Lord, but I am just going to take control in this one area." It's like I give him control, and then take it away. Give it. Take it. Over and over again. What a roller coaster ride!
The strongest relationships in the world are built on trust. Marriages, friendships, even business partnerships that are successful are so, because the parties involved trust one another. Does that mean that moments never came along that tested the mettle of that trust? Of course not; what it means is that even when those tough times came they stuck it out, because they trust each other. Relational trust can only occur through real relationships. Trust is not a theory.
I must trust God - not just in theory - but in practice. I must place my life in His hands and leave it there to fully trust. That means that I must take my life from my own hands. Paul said that if we do this then our roots will grow down into God's love and keep us strong. Be patient. Trust God. Roots cannot grow if we are always pulling up the vine.
Prayer - Lord, I love you enough to believe you love me, therefore I trust you. Control me, mold me, and use me as you know best. Give me the steadfastness to wait upon you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


2 Samuel 9:1 "David asked, "Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

Over the past few months, I have found myself reexamining the things which, in the past, I have viewed as simple enough to move beyond in consideration. The grace of God, unmerited favor, you know that thing that has changed our present and future, is something that I have acknowledged as present in my life, yet I must admit that it has been quite some time since I truly examined the extent of his grace.
It wasn’t a book on grace, a sermon, or lecture that generated this new introspection. It was my life itself that helped me to take a second look at God’s love for me. I realized this year that God found me when I wasn’t looking, loved me when I wasn’t worthy, and rescued me when I didn’t deserve it. It was this epiphany that helped me to see how easy it was to take for granted both God’s love as well as the relationships that God had placed in my life.
I read in 2 Samuel 9:1 “Then David said, ‘Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?’” As I examined this story further, it hit me personally. Grace is positive and unconditional acceptance in spite of the other person. Grace is a demonstration of love that is undeserved, unearned, and unrepayable. I don’t want to drag out the story. So here’s the short version. David looks to show this type of grace and he looks at the family of a man that made a good portion of his life miserable. Saul had left David running for his life for a long time. Still David made a promise to Jonathan, Saul’s son, that he would not cut off Jonathan’s descendants. What is so significant about this story is that it was custom in eastern dynasties that when a new king took over, all the family members of the previous dynasty were destroyed to ensure there would never be a revolt.
So David promised Jonathan that he would not carry on this custom. But David goes way beyond the promise. He asks, “Is there anyone?” No matter whom they may be, “Is there anybody?” And he found someone. Jonathan had a living son named Mephibosheth. David sent for this son, brought him into the palace, and restored him.
Grace is not just God saying, “I won’t destroy him”. It’s God saying “I am going to find him and restore him”. I have asked myself two questions: (1) Do I show that type of grace to others; and (2) Do I live my life as if I am within the sphere of God’s grace? If I cannot answer “yes” to the first question, then I must say “no” to the second. It is easy to say, “Look, I’m nice, I’m cordial”. It is quite another to demonstrate the type of grace that David did. That type of grace that seeks people out in order to love them.
Here’s my personal lesson. Sometimes, I play the part of David. I need to love those that have made it tough. I need to seek them out and show them the grace of God that is the driving force of my life. I always play the part of Mephibosheth. I forever am loved by God with a favor that is undeserved. God has prepared a palace for me, the sooner I accept residence there the better…for everyone.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Read Ephesians Chapter 2
Key Verse -- Ephesians 2:8
"God saved you by His special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God."
If you are anything like me, then you have a strong inclination towards independence. I like the feeling that I have when I know that I have accomplished something from my own hard work. That is something that cannot be taken from me. It adds to my sense of self-worth.
Surely, independence is a healthy quality when managed correctly. I can remember how troubled I was when my youngest son began wanting to do things for himself. He would no longer allow me to feed him, or dress him, or turn on his games for him. Although, my heart broke a little with every new step of independence, I knew that it was necessary. He couldn't stay a baby forever.
As we grow older, however, I sometimes wonder if our attitudes of independence can become a little unhealthy. I mean, what is wrong with taking a little advice from your parents? Why do we struggle asking for help? Why do men refuse to read instruction manuals or ask for driving directions? Somewhere along the way, many of us, myself included, develop a mind set that we have everything under control. This pride can, if we let it, become polarizing and damaging.
It is even more dangerous when this type of independence creeps into our spiritual attitudes and lives. God did not create us for independence, but He created us to be relational, with Him and others. We do need others and, most importantly, we do need God. Paul wrote in our scripture that God saved you when you believed and that you can't take credit for this. In other words, you did not save yourself and you can never live a life that deserves salvation. It is by His special favor, a gift from God.
Let us never get to a place where we believe that we have this christianity thing all worked out. I cannot do enough to be okay. I am not, in myself, strong enough to attain such favor. I believe it is safe to say "no one is". It is God's special gift to us. We must accept it humbly and live in it daily.
PRAYER -- Lord, bring me gently to a place of submission to and dependence upon you so that I may live powerfully for you and in you.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Read Ephesians Chapter 1
Key Verse -- Ephesians 1:18
"I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he has called."
There are many distinctions made in God's word. Clear lines are drawn concerning many issues in the Christian life. I am reminded of Christ's words in Matthew 6 - "No man can serve two masters". This is a clear distinction. Also, Paul wrote in Galatians 5 that we should walk after the spirit so as not to satisfy the lust of the flesh. This instruction implies that you cannot successfully walk after the spirt and flesh simultaneously.
Perhaps, no greater distinction is made in scripture than that between darkness and light. It is true spiritually and scientifically; there cannot be light and dark at the same time. Sure, you may be able to say "it's kind of dark" or "it's dusk" but truthfully, even the smallest amount of light pierces darkness. Light enables us to see. Even the smallest beam of light will illuminate whatever it shines upon. There is a battle within our spirit man between darkness and light. Perhaps that is why the Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians chapter 1 that our hearts should be flooded with light. It is that light that enables us to see the purpose and plan that God has for our lives.
Hearts that are influenced by darkness have little choice but to believe whatever voices are speaking to them the loudest. In darkness, we can't see for ourselves. In spiritual darkness, it is normally life's circumstances that are screaming the loudest. Financial, emotional, marital problems, to name a few, all can seem pretty loud, especially when we are allowing spiritual darkness to pour over our hearts. It is the light of God's love that illuminates our hearts, reveals God's truth, and stirs our faith.
The key here is that we control where the light shines. I heard a story one time about a woman that was going through a rough patch in life. Her marriage was in trouble, her family was falling apart, and she just didn't know how much longer she could take the stress. She woke up and poured her morning coffee. As she sat on the sofa, the morning light was beaming through the front windows into her living room. She was so down and depressed that she got up and closed to curtains tight. She just didn't want to see the light. As she sat back down, Proverbs 20 came to her mind, "The way of the wicked is like deep darkness". She jumped to her feet and flung over the curtains. She had to let the light shine through.
Isn't it true that in our lives, we control the curtains. When times get rough and things aren't going our way, don't close the curtains but open your heart to God's light. He will show himself in ways you cannot imagine. He will reveal the wonderful future he has promised you.
PRAYER -- Lord, shine your light in my heart, even in those moments that things seem the darkest. Give me the confidence to accept your light in my life