Monday, July 19, 2010


2 Peter 2:19 “…for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.”

Motivation is the driving force behind many of our decisions and most of our actions. I know this to be true every morning when my alarm clock goes off, telling me that it is time to get out of bed and get ready for work. Why do I get up? Why don’t I just stay in bed? If I don’t go to work, I don’t get paid. If I don’t get paid, I can’t pay my bills. If I can’t pay my bills, I won’t have a place to live or food to eat. So, why to do get up and go to work? I want the pay check. That’s motivation.

Motivation is a good thing. As long as it stays in check and remains in balance. If all I think about is my pay check, then I may be in danger of being motivated in excess. Don’t get me wrong. Money is important. It is not, however, the most important thing. I want a pay check so that my quality of life, and that of my children, will be good. But, if I find myself driven by money so much that I am always working and never available to spend time with my family, well, where’s the balance? Where’s the quality?

My oldest son loves to play Nintendo Wii. I mean, he loves it. If I allowed him to, he would play it every waking moment. When he is not playing, he is talking about playing. I realized lately that his love for the game was getting out of hand. He woke up one morning and the first words out of his mouth were, “Yoshi, Mario, and Luigi.” He doesn’t want to eat breakfast. He doesn’t want to take a shower. He doesn’t even want to swim in our pool. He just wants to play Wii. Sure, it’s cute and somewhat comical. He is only six and to see him enjoy something so much does make me smile.

His rather innocent behavior reinforces the point of our scripture. We can be just like him about so many things. I have known men that loved to golf just as much as he loves Nintendo. I have watched people spend more and more time at the casino, the pool hall, or the gym. None of those things, in and of themselves, are a big deal. But anything that impacts our thought life and behavior more than our love and devotion to God is definitely an issue.

Some may feel that Peter’s choice of the word “slave” is a little strong. Some may say that nothing masters them. Well, that is not even the way it is supposed to be. We are all motivated and driven by something. It is supposed to be our love for the God who gave it all for us. He is our master and our God.

What moves you? Where is your devotion? Is it a hobby, a person, a habit? Whatever it may be, if it dictates your thoughts, feelings, and actions then it has mastered you and in turn you are a slave to it. Take an inventory of your thoughts and actions. Allow God to reveal to you what motivates you the most. If need be, allow the love of God to replace unhealthy motivations. Then you will know the true meaning of living free.

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