Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Genesis 35:14 “Jacob set up a stone pillar to mark the place where God had spoken to him.”

There are those moments in history that we can never forget. There are those moments that are so dramatic and impactful that you will always remember where you were when it happened. My mother says that she remembers vividly where she was when President Kennedy was assassinated. My grandmother can clearly recall the day when Pearl Harbor was attacked. For me, it is the tragic Space Shuttle Challenger disaster that occurred on January 28, 1996. I was sitting in my fifth grade class when the news broke. My teacher knew that it was an incredible moment in history and we watched the news coverage the rest of the day. Of course the horrible events of September 11, 2001 will always be seared into our collective memories as well.

The point is that there are some memories that stick with us more than others. Perhaps you remember the name of your third grade teacher or the date you saw your first baseball game. Often times, we keep memorabilia or mementos to help us remember. The postcard from your vacation to Niagara Falls. The ticket stub from the movie you saw with your spouse on your first date. People takes hundreds, if not thousands, of photos every year to preserve memories.

It is wise to mark important events in our lives. I never want to forget the feeling I had when each of my children were born or the way I felt on my wedding day. As Christians, we have pivotal moments in our walk with God as well. They are those times that help set the course of our lives. Maybe it’s a moment when a certain scripture encouraged you to make a monumental decision. Perhaps it’s the uplifting of the Spirit at just the right time. Maybe it’s that change in circumstances that you knew was orchestrated by God himself. Whatever it may be, those are the moments that we should mark so that we never forget. You see, I remember the night that I knew that God had called me into the ministry. I have marked it in my mind. I can clearly tell you how my wife and I felt when God directed us to make the biggest move of our life. For us, these were pivotal moments and we think of them often.

Why is it so important to mark these moments? I have had plenty of moments in which I have questioned my calling. I have suffered setbacks and then felt like quitting. There are been many difficulties endured that can make us feel as if we belong in a different place. It is in those times. That we go back to those “marked moments.” We look back at God’s faithfulness and his provision. We remember what he said to us and it gives us the strength to continue.

Every moment will not be remarkable. There will be plenty of times that lack excitement and, in turn, create confusion. That is why it is so important to hold on to the moments in which God has impacted us through his voice, his mercy, or his direction. The enemy would love for us to forget what God has done and what God has said. Like Jacob, we should mark the moment in our heart. Remind yourself of it often. Never forget what God has done.

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