Saturday, March 20, 2010


Mark 14:3 “While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head.”

I love this story. I sort of imagine a room full of Christians who have eaten of the feast, have been fed real well, and now they have laid back. This woman comes along and upsets the comfort zone. This is a person who has come with a purpose. She is out of tradition. She is murmured against. She is not welcomed by everyone in the room. Those who have been comfortably sitting have become indignant toward her, but she kept coming. She has come with something to offer. She has brought something precious to offer up, and she is not deterred by what others think of her.

She is a picture of the true church, and how praise and worship should be offered. She brought the precious ointment in an alabaster box. This was expensive perfume. It was costly, but she was willing to give it. It will cost you something to really worship God. The Bible says she broke the box. There was no holding any back, and no control over how it came out. What a great lesson. It may seem easy for us to come in and open the box and let a little out, but then quickly close it up again. Often this depends on what kind of day we have had. She broke the box. She let it flow freely. John said that sweet aroma filled the house.

She came because of Jesus. She didn’t wait until all the imperfections in her own life were worked out. She came to Jesus just as she was and knelt at his feet. She broke the box and began to pour it all out. What a picture of repentance and breakthrough. While others murmured and talked about her Jesus said, "Her sins and they are many are forgiven."

This story should challenge us to lay it all down at the feet of Jesus. We should feel compelled to hold nothing back in our worship and in our lives. Don’t let your circumstances determine your worship. You may be having a rough day, week, or even month. But by fully worshipping him, we enter into the presence of the one which makes all of life’s circumstances (whether great or difficult) pale in comparison to his glory.

How do we get there? Don’t measure out your praise. Don’t regulate your gifts. Give it all to him. Sure, it requires the surrender of something. Maybe we will let go of pride. Maybe it will require the relinquishing of comfort. It will, however, elevate each of us into new found levels of peace and contentment.

Be encouraged today, to “break the box” of your preconceived notions about worship. Break the box of pride and indifference. Break it to the point that it cannot be repaired so you can never go back. Live a new life of freedom that is birthed through a renewed connection with God the Father. It will change your life and it might just change the lives of those around you.

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