Friday, January 29, 2010


Micah 7:18 “You cannot stay angry with your people forever because you delight in showing mercy.”

A monk announced to a village that he would be preaching on the love of God, without saying a word. The people filled the little chapel that evening and the monk waited till it was dark to start the service. The sanctuary was pitch dark, only one torch was lit at the front of the chapel. The monk took the torch and walked to the crucifix on the wall. He held the torch illuminating Jesus crown of thorns with the blood flowing down. Then he illuminated the bleeding nail pierced hands, then the bleeding side, then the bleeding nail pierced feet. Then he blew out the torch and left a silent crowd.

The greatest demonstration of God's love to man is in remission, or forgiveness, pardon. Why does man need pardon? Because all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. We have been people of iniquity, yet he loves us. The Apostle Paul shared his testimony with Timothy. He spoke of his days as a persecutor of the church. He said, "who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious, but I received mercy because I did it ignorantly and in unbelief."

We have been people of transgression. This is open rebellion against God. Yet he loves us. We have been people of sin. Straying from God's way, living without regard to God, doing our own thing. Isaiah described us as sheep that have gone astray each one going his own way. Yet God loves us.

But God, rich in mercy, has pardoned us. He passed by our sin and saw only the blood of Christ that has been applied. He cast our sin into the depths of the sea. The Father chose to forget our sin, to bury it, and never hold it against us again, for Jesus’ sake. It is finished.

God does not delight in wrath or judgment. He takes no pleasure in that. He delights in mercy. The word "mercy" is the Hebrew word "Hesed". It literally means "loving kindness". It is a covenant word that describes how God relates to those that are His. Loving kindness, goodness, tenderness. Everything God does in relationship with His children He does in love.

Even his discipline is love motivated. He chastens those he loves. In fact, He delights in you and me. In Zephaniah 3:17 the prophet says, "He will rejoice over thee with joy, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing." His love for us is undying. He said in Jeremiah, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." He has always loved us, before we could do anything bad or good he loved you and I and he will never cease to love us. His love is eternal. And we can never be separated from his love.

How should we respond to such love? Let it fill you, control you, draw you closer to him, commune with him, walk with Him, love Him, know Him, talk to Him, obey Him, experience him, praise Him, and serve Him. The result of His mercy should be our salvation and His glory everyday

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