Acts 23:11 “The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, "Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome."
In a book by Grant Jeffrey called "The Signature of God" he recounts how the Apostles died proclaiming the resurrection. These men who knew Jesus personally never denied their testimony about him, despite the threat and the reality of death. These men possessed an absolute unshakable personal knowledge about the truth of life, death and the resurrection of Jesus. Each of them paid the ultimate price to prove their faith.
As someone has correctly pointed out, hypocrites and martyrs are not made of the same stuff. Men may willingly die for what they believe to be true...even at times if what they believe is actually false. But no one will die willingly for something they know to be a lie. Judas Iscariot, betrayer of Jesus, committed suicide. Only John, of the other 13 Apostles, did not die by homicide, a martyr. Yet, all the others died horrible deaths proclaiming to have seen the resurrected Christ.
It is not so important how the apostles died. What is important is the fact that they were all willing to die for their faith. If Jesus had not been resurrected, the disciples would have known it. The fact that all of the apostles were willing to die horrible deaths, refusing to renounce their faith in Christ is tremendous evidence that they had truly witnessed the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Many staked their very lives on the testimony that they have seen the resurrected Christ. Would sane people willingly die horrible deaths, for a lie? Did Jesus really rise from the dead? What do you believe? Do we know why we believe? Are we willing to die for what we believe?
We may never be asked to physically give our life for our faith. We are, however, asked over and over again to die to ourselves. Living by faith requires great sacrifice. It requires that we let go of everything and cling to God, to his will, and to his ways. It is one thing to say that we love God with our whole heart while holding on to ideas, possessions, and people that make us comfortable. It is quite another to relinquish it all in search of a deeper relationship with God the father.
There is only one thing that would ever bring us to that point – it is a true revelation of Christ for ourselves. Like the apostles who walked with Christ, we too have seen his wonderful works and have experienced his life changing impact upon our lives. That is what ought to strengthen our faith and empower our resolve. By living daily in the realization of God’s immeasurable love we are driven by a desire to give it all away for that life that lives for God and him alone. Once we are touched by his hand, we should know that there is nothing that can ever replace or duplicate that experience.
Let our hearts be moved by a willingness to lay down our lives, our wants, and our interests in the pursuit of God. Rely on the knowledge of who he is to push you and encourage you in your faith. Then you will have the strength to lay down your life only to gain it eternally. That’s a true testimony.
RACE DAY from Jill's Perspective
14 years ago
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