Saturday, September 18, 2010


Revelation 12:11 “And they have defeated him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of their testimony.”

When I was a young Christian I belonged to a church that worked through control and fear. Fear that we would miss the mark, fear that we weren’t saved and so on, In hind sight I can see that the leaders didn’t have a good concept of the love of God themselves and were just projecting that into their congregations.

The enemy, Satan, is the accuser of the brethren. He causes us to accuse one another in order to bring division, and also he attempts to divide us away from God by making us feel we are not good enough, or we don’t fit the mold, or God could never love us. He does this in order to convince us that we, in some way have disqualified ourselves from the race. There are two basic reasons that we were created - 1) To have fellowship with God and 2) To be a representative for God on Earth and to show his glory.

Through the fall in the Garden, Satan was able to break the link and he interrupted the plan. But in and through Jesus God has restored the potential to fulfill these callings again. All who have been born again through Jesus can again experience the reality of fellowship with God, and the privilege of showing off his kingdom, and demonstrating his glory.

Satan fights against all who walk in these callings in different ways and at different levels. He deceives the unbeliever by binding their minds from the truth of the gospel, which would restore them to God. The primary message that God communicated to man through Jesus is “I LOVE YOU". The realization of God’s love for us was lost when our soul was awakened to the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. It was at this point that our soul became susceptible to the accusations of Satan. Until we are secure in God’s love we are vulnerable to attack from the enemy because our confidence is in ourselves. When our confidence is transferred to God’s love, which is expressed in Jesus we are made secure.

No wonder the enemy wants to accuse you all the time. He can’t stand the fact that God in Jesus is covering you in his glory. Although God’s love endures forever, many of us go for long periods of time feeling separated from his love, because of the accusations leveled against us by the enemy of our souls. I am reminded that even in the most severe storm the sun is still shining above the clouds and the truth is that the clouds will roll away and the sun will shine on us again. We just need to remind ourselves that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Remember, our confidence is in the blood of the Lamb - not our own strength. Remember the enemy’s war is waged with words of accusation and our war will be won with words of testimony of what Jesus has done for us. The glory of God is about to breakthrough from behind the clouds. He loves you and it is an explosion of this love that will set you free again.

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