Monday, September 20, 2010


Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”

We serve a God of seasons. We see it in creation. God created the four seasons that are based upon the rotation of the Earth as it orbits the Sun. The seasons change as the earth moves, but the sun in our planetary system remains constant, and everything revolves around it.

In many ways we see the signature of the same artist in our lives. Much like the earth, our lives should revolve around the Son, Jesus Christ. Our lives will change, and we will enter and exit many seasons, but the Son remains constant yesterday, today and forever.

God doesn’t measure seasons with clocks and calendars, but through truth and revelation. Whenever God gives you a fresh word, you’ve just stepped into a new season. But just like our scripture says, to everything there is a season. Every aspect of our lives is as to a season. And there is a purpose for those seasons. There is a reason for the season. There is a purpose for the process.

There are seasons you didn’t want to go through. But through those seasons you learned some things. And you wouldn’t have learned them if hadn’t gone through some things. There are seasons you’ve gone through, that you don’t know why you had to. But there is a reason for that season. And just because you are going through some stuff, or have gone through a rough season, doesn’t mean God is finished with you because “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” It’s not just any old work, but a good work. You’ve just stepped into a new season.

Stepping into a new season brings new changes. Change is inevitable. It’s going to happen. We look outside at the world around us and notice things are different today than they were 10 years ago, last year or even yesterday. Each season is different than the others. Some are meant for things to grow and others for things to die off. In some seasons the days are longer, in others the night.

Some times it seems your days, your mountaintop experiences with God last a long time, but then there are those seasons when the nighttime seems as if it will never end. In those long nights when the tears seem like they will never stop flowing, it might have taken a little longer, but the morning did come, and the tears ceased and joy returned to your spirit. But God gives us revelations and truths to propel us into new and different seasons. Why? Because we are creatures of habit and if he didn’t change things we would become complacent in one place.

I am convinced that we will never move on to the next season of our life until we are able to learn the things that God is trying to teach us. In this, we face two choices. We can be open to the voice of the spirit. We can desire to hear from God and to be transformed by his truth. We can allow his leading to make us into person we are destined to be. This choice will lead us into the next season or higher level of our life. Or, we can be rigid and stubborn. We can spend all of our time complaining about our present circumstance. We can lose sight of God’s sovereignty in our life. This choice will keep us bogged down in apathy and indifference and may rob us of God’s best plan for us.

Remember, God is a God of seasons. Life moves from one season to another. Be open. See God’s hand in every season of your life. Allow him to do in you everything that he desires. You will find yourself getting the most out of every moment of your life.

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