1 Chronicles 21:24 “But King David replied to Araunah, "No, I insist on paying the full price. I will not take for the Lord what is yours, or sacrifice a burnt offering that costs me nothing."
During his reign, King Frederick William III of Prussia found himself in trouble. Wars had been costly, and in trying to build the nation, he was seriously short of finances. He couldn’t disappoint his people, and to capitulate to the enemy was unthinkable. After careful reflection, he decided to ask the women of Prussia to bring their jewelry of gold and silver to be melted down for their country. For each ornament received, he determined to exchange a decoration of bronze or iron as a symbol of his gratitude. Each decoration would be inscribed, “I gave gold for iron, 1813.” The response was overwhelming. Even more important, these women prized their gifts from the king more highly than their former jewelry. The reason, of course, is clear. The decorations were proof that they had sacrificed for their king. Indeed, it became unfashionable to wear jewelry, and thus was established the Order of the Iron Cross. Members wore no ornaments except a cross of iron for all to see.
Our scripture provides a similar situation in the life of King David. The nation of Israel was facing the judgment of God due to the actions of David and the king intended to find a place to build an altar in order to sacrifice to God and petition for his mercy upon the people. Upon finding the desired location, he offered to purchase the place, but was offered it for free along with the oxen and wheat for sacrifice. David replied, “No. I will not sacrifice to God, that which costs me nothing.”
David understood the great difference between a gift and a sacrifice. It is often easy to give to God from any abundance we may have. Think about it. If we have a gathering and serve food, don’t you normally look to send the leftovers home with friends? Sure you do. The thought is, “Take it. We’ll just throw it out.” You don’t normally, however, open your refrigerator and start passing out fresh groceries to your guests on the way out. Because, those are things that you have purchased in order to feed your family for the coming days.
It was the same in the days of Cain and Abel. It is the same today. In Genesis, God honored Abel because he gave his best product. Cain was dishonored because he only offered that which he did not want. Today, God does not want our leftovers. What we give is a direct reflection of the condition of our heart. Since God does not need our substance, He is not interested in the amount or the condition of what we bring to Him. Our gift should reflect a sacrifice on our part.
Ask yourself, “Do the things that I offer God truly cost me something or am I just giving the things that I really don’t want or need? Hold on to the principle of that which costs me something will always mean more to me than that which I got for free. God is looking at our hearts today. He is not looking at the gift. He is looking at the spirit of the giver.
RACE DAY from Jill's Perspective
14 years ago
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