Joshua 6:26 “At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: "Cursed before the Lord is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho.”
The scene of the text was one of destruction, fire, ruin. But, for the children of Israel, it was a scene full of victory. God had done a mighty work that he promised he would do on behalf of his people. He said Israel would possess Canaan and would destroy all those who oppose his plan. So after they had crossed the Jordan River, the first thing they laid eyes on was the mighty city of Jericho.
For this new generation of Israelites, the site of Jericho’s great size, not to mention its huge walls, was very disheartening. Even though God had told them the land was theirs, it was hard to fathom while starring at walls 50 feet high/50 feet thick. But, once again, God would honor his word with faithfulness to move on their behalf. And before you know it, these great falls had fallen straight down, the people slaughtered, and the city burned with fire, as God destroyed this mighty city.
As they sat outside the ruin, Joshua stopped to make a powerful statement, “cursed be the man that rises up and builds this city Jericho…”. He was so sincere about it, that he made them make an oath that they would not do so. God would have it to remain in its ruins a standing monument of his wrath against the Canaanites, and of his mercy to his people when the time had come for their settlement in Canaan. Joshua said if you do it, you will be under a great curse.
For one to understand the sincerity of this verse, you must realize some thing. God destroyed that city. Man didn’t do it, God did. And God said if you go against something I did, I will cause you to live under a curse. God intended for it to stay that way, or else he never would have destroyed it. It is a dangerous thing to attempt building up that which God has torn down.
What did God do for us? He has given us the strength to tear down strongholds, to crush the things that have separated us from him. And he intends for it to stay that way. Yet for some reason, before you know it God finds us with picks, shovels, hammers, and nails. What are we doing? We are rebuilding our Jericho. The place God destroyed, we are trying to put them back together. Why is it so dangerous to reconstruct those things that God has torn down? If you do, it will be a constant reminder of your past life. And not only will it remind you of the past, but as long as it is there, you will always have the temptation to go to that place again. But, if it is destroyed, you can’t go live there anymore.
As long as the city remained in ruins, it would be a constant reminder that God is who he says he is. But, if the city is rebuilt, then people can easily look and say, I thought your God was really something, but I guess not… But, if we don’t rebuild the Jerichos of our life, we will be living testimonies that God truly is all powerful, all knowing, all glorious, all favorable, all honored, and all truth.
Let the things that you have overcome remain defeated. Don’t resurrect past hurts, trials, and temptations. Live free and don’t look back.
RACE DAY from Jill's Perspective
14 years ago